
"I'm going on 50 dates and I'm taking you with me"


Thank You!

Darren from Los Angeles
Steve from NYC
Del from Minnesota
Jeb from Oregon
Matthew "Matty the Glue" from Los Angeles
Sharon (a living doll) from Los Angeles
Ron from Australia
Ryan from Seattle
François from Paris
The guys from
Paul from
Alan from London
Allison from Omaha
Cole from Seattle
Michelle and Cariane from Chicago -- twice!
Drew from Portland, OR for the CDs
Martin from somewhere in the U.S.
Robert from Michigan
Randall from Michigan
Audrey from Pennsylvania
Steve from Michigan
Nick from Michigan
someone from Oregon
Nicholas from someplace
Ron from OZ
François from France
Martin from Michigan
someone from Singapore
Sharon from California
Carlyn from California
Greg from someplace
Lady Shark at
the guys at Pimpin' the
Reels not Heels
Sharon from L.A.
Karl from somewhere
someone from somewhere!
Mahir (don't think it's the Mahir, though) from somewhere
Jake from Texas
Someone from somewhere else
Candi from San Francisco
Joel from Atlanta

Contact Amy